Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Week 3- My Demographic (Generation Y)

My genration is known as "generation Y" or "the echo boomers" due to our relationship with the "baby boomers" which makes up most of our parents.  To be exact I am a eighties baby, being born in 1984, I feel lucky to have grown up in such a technologically advanced time in history.  My first introduction to computers was an Apple computer in 1st grade playing the game, "Oregon Trail" and I didnt get my first cell phone until I was a highschool senior at the age of 17.  Times have changed since then, where now, many first graders have their own cell phone, can navagate a I-pad with ease and use computers everyday; rather then it being a novice device.  With this being said,  my genration is very computer savy and when it comes to marketing to us there is no better way to do it then the internet.  We play fantasy football, Google rather than visit a library, and are Facebook crazy.  You can say we are a product of our enviroment, just as every generation before us has been and this I believe will continue to hold true for future generations as well.  My daughter just turned three and I can see a bright electronic future for her, I invision by the time she enters highschool textbooks and backpacks will be a thing of the past; replaced by the newest version of the I-pad. 

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